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Hideaway 13 series

Hideaway 13 series

  • Size: 207 sq.ft., 231 sq.ft., 269 sq.ft., 307 sq.ft.
  1. 12’10” wide models available in 15’, 18’, 21’ and 24’ lengths
  2. 1315 – 207 sq. ft.
  3. 1318 – 231 sq. ft.
  4. 1321 – 269 sq. ft.
  5. 1324 – 307 sq. ft.

Standard Features:

  1. Pre-cut floor, wall and roof panels (one standard colour)
  2. Hardware kit (fasteners, sealants, connection angles)
  3. Exterior trim kit
  4. Galvanized steel floor supports

Optional features:

  1. Front overhang
  2. Wood grain accent panels
  3. Windows/door

Contact us for pricing on additional options/upgrades or custom floorplans.

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